The hanging gardens of Babylon of ancient 7 Wonders

     The hanging gardens of Babylon of ancient 7 Wonders      

According to legend, the hanging gardens of Babylon are considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, this garden was built in the 6th century BC by King Nebuchadnezzar II was guided by his wife because she was feeling homesick, his wife was Persian Princess, and lacked the wooded mountains that were so beloved in her youth, so Brown has King Nebuchadnezzar II has a complete oasis in the desert, and the building is covered with trees and vegetation gradient so alien resembling a mountain.

حدائق بابل المعلقة من عجائب الدنيا السبع القديمة
The hanging gardens of Babylon
But the only problem remaining is that archaeologists have not sure yet whether the hanging gardens exist in reality or just a myth.
King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon City:
Founded Babylon circa 2300 BC, or even before that, the town of Babylon near the Euphrates River just south of the modern city of Baghdad in Iraq, and was located in the city of Babylon, built almost entirely of mud bricks, but it was broken this brick with ease, so the town was destroyed several times in its history.
In the 7th century BC, the Babylonians revolted against the Assyrian ruler Sennacherib, trying to destroy him and she moved him from the throne, but while trying to destroyed the city completely while they destroy the Governor, eight years later, King Sennacherib was assassinated by three sons, interestingly, one of them ordered the rebuilding of Babylon.
It wasn't long until it became a thriving city of Babylon again and was known as a center of education and culture, and was the father of King Nebuchadnezzar II, King nabopolassar, who liberated the city of Babylon of Assyrian judgment, Nebuchadnezzar II became King in 605 BC.
حدائق بابل المعلقة من عجائب الدنيا السبع القديمة
The hanging gardens of Babylon
King Nebuchadnezzar II wants to expand his Kingdom and make it one of the most powerful cities at the time, fought the Egyptians and Assyrians and won all the wars, the Alliance with the Persian King until he married his daughter, interestingly, King Nebuchadnezzar II, the rule for 43 years, and during all these years has many conquests and earn the spoils of war, which helped him a lot to strengthen the city of Babylon, Ziggurat building, Murdoch, Murdoch's temple was the patron god of Babylon, the King has also built a huge wall around the city reached 80 feet from where the fish, and was wide enough for four horses this was a very large and tall walls, and especially the Ishtar Gate, the gate was also considered of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the lighthouse of Alexandria came up to displaces from the prestige.
Despite all these terrible creations which by this King, but the hanging gardens came to capture the imagination of all the people, already one of the seven ancient wonders of the world.
How seemingly hanging gardens of Babylon?
It may seem strange that we don't know much about the hanging gardens of Babylon, firstly, we don't know exactly where it was located, but reportedly placed near the Euphrates River in order to reach the water, but remains of places found no archaeological evidence to prove the exact location yet, remaining the only ancient wonders not found on its website until now.
According to legend, King Nebuchadnezzar II built the hanging gardens of Babylon to his wife as mentioned previously, which missed her cold temperatures and the availability of their mountainous terrain and beautiful landscape that was available in her homeland in Persia.
Scientists believe that the hanging gardens of Babylon were a tall building, built on stone, a rare quality in this region, said that some of its methods are similar to the mountain, perhaps because there are multiple terraces and hanging gardens of Babylon were numerous and diverse in terms of plants, trees, and save these exotic plants survive in a desert as the course took a tremendous amount of water, depending on what is said, that there was some kind of motor to pump water up through construction of any well Located below or bring water directly from the river.
And the wife was Queen can walk through rooms of the building, and it was this area is cooled by shade as well as air brzas water even shimming is not free.
Does hanging gardens really exist?
There are still a lot of controversy about the existence of the hanging gardens of Babylon, this kind of outstanding parks seems like a magical in a way, it's really amazing to be true, and yet, they discovered a lot of structures, but it is accurate and does not prove that it really exists.
And now keep the hanging gardens of Babylon and biosphere reserves, believed by some archaeologists that there are remains of an ancient structure found in the ruins of Babylon, but there remains the problem that these residues are not near the Euphrates River identified as myth when some descriptions.
Also, there is no reference to the hanging gardens of Babylon in any contemporary Babylonian writings, this leads some to believe that the hanging gardens of Babylon were a myth, as both the Greek writers after the fall of Babylon, and there is a new theory, proposed by the doctor of the University of Oxford, and stating that there was an error committed in the past in determining the location of the hanging gardens of Babylon, and it was not located in Babylon, but instead, the Assyrian city of Nineveh is located in the North and built By King Sennacherib, but this theory, of course, caused some confusion on what the real person who built it.
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