The Andes-the longest mountain chain in the world

The Andes-the longest mountain chain in the world

The Andes mountains are a chain of mountains which extends 4300 miles along the West coast of South America, the Andes is divided in seven countries: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina, the Andes mountain range is the longest in the world, with many of the highest summits in the hemisphere, although the Andes mountain chain is long, but it is narrow along the reach, breadth East to West of the Andes ranges between 120 and 430 miles.

جبال الانديز - اطول سلسلة جبال في العالم
The Andes-the longest mountain chain in the world
Comprising the Andes from the wide range of Highlands that topped the highest peaks, which form a continuous wall, Andes also affected seriously on conditions of life in the surrounding areas, and is the highest mountain of the Andes hogbl Aconcagua is located on the border between Argentina and Chile.
The genesis of the Andes:
جبال الانديز - اطول سلسلة جبال في العالم
The Andes-the longest mountain chain in the world
The Andes emerged as a result of plate formed during the era of modern life, nearly 65 million years started to arise as a result of geological activity which has occurred, prior to about 250 million years of tectonic plates joined to form the land area currently but initially the giant continent broken up later.
Many of the rocks that make up the Andean mountain chain at present is already years formed large, and consisted of pressures, and metamorphic temperature and switching to different forms and types from sandstone, silt stone, limestone, respectively, switched to quartz, shale, and marble.
The climate of the Andes:
جبال الانديز - اطول سلسلة جبال في العالم
The Andes-the longest mountain chain in the world

Across the Andes is variable and depends on the width and height, terrain, precipitation patterns, and the proximity of the ocean too, and the Andes are divided into three regions North of the Andes, Central Andes and southern Andes, and within each region there are a lot of differences in climate and their locations, for example the Andes in Northern Venezuela and Colombia are usually hot and humid locations include tropical forests and cloud forests, either from the middle of the Andes mountains, which extend through Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia is more unequal in terms of seasonal climate of the Andes, found sandwiched between the dry season and the rainy season, southern Andes are divided into two areas of Chile and Argentina, the climate there is dry and wet it.

The following are the main characteristics of the Andes:
جبال الانديز - اطول سلسلة جبال في العالم
The Andes-the longest mountain chain in the world
-The Andes mountains are the longest mountain chain in the world
-Include the Andes, the Atacama desert is the driest desert in the world
-Include the Andes plateau, known as the Andean plateau, and is the second-highest plateau in the world
-The Andes mountains to the Pacific ring of fire
-Include the Andes highest active volcano in the world, is the Ojos del Salado volcano, which is located on the border between Argentina and Chile
-The Andes mountains by a number of rare and endangered species of animals such as the short-tailed Chinchilla, flamingos, Andean condors and some species of bears, Rails, gonen, Titicaca water frogs
Animals of the Andes:
جبال الانديز - اطول سلسلة جبال في العالم
The Andes-the longest mountain chain in the world
As for the animals that inhabit these mountains, there are approximately 3700 species of animals living in the Andes, including 600 species of mammals, 1700 species of birds, 600 species of reptiles, and 400 species of fish, more than 200 species of amphibians.
These are some of the animals that live in the Andes:
* Alpacas: Alpacas is a domesticated species, mammals and it belongs to the family of camel, and alpacas is considered indigenous to South America, and is kept in herds inhabiting the high plateaux and Highlands in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador, northern Chile, and usually fed hay and alpacas on grass.
* Short-tailed Chinchilla Chinchilla: short tail is a type of rodent, and the remains of this kind one of only two species of Chinchilla that's still alive today, and the other type is the long-tailed Chinchilla, weshinshila short tail is actually endangered species extinction, these rodents in areas of Central and southern Andes, but regrettably, this species is exploited heavily in search of fur, and as a result, their numbers have dropped dramatically, it is currently classified as a Chinchilla Short tail within the endangered animals.
* Cat Andes: Andean mountain cat is a kitten who inhabit the mountainous regions of Central Andes, Andean mountain cat is of extremely rare animals, to less than 2500 remaining cat in the wild.
* The Titicaca water frog: Titicaca water frog is a frog is threatened with extinction, and is basically settle in Titicaca Lake, Titicaca water frog was on the scene for some time, even have decreased by over fishing, pollution and predation by trout introduced into the Lake.
* Andean Goose: Goose Andes are these large goose feather feature black and white and pink skin, legs and feet understanding they be colored in Orange, and the Andean Highland goose from the Andes, where they remain above 9800 feet in Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile.
* Bear with glasses: bear with glasses is the original species is only found in South America, it inhabits forested areas of the Andes, including Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, and bears with glasses has black fur, eyes sharp 
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